We introduce and motivate the main theme of the course, the setting of the problem of learning from examples as the problem of approximating a multivariate function from sparse data-the examples. 我们介绍且激发课程的主题将朝向于实例学习法的问题设定,例如稀疏值中多变量函数近似的问题。
To discern positive and negative example fully, feature subset selection plays a great role in learning from examples. 特征选择是示例学习的关键,直接关系到获取的概念的优劣。
Thoughts on the Research About Increasing Cognitive Load in Learning from Worked Examples 增加样例学习中认知负荷的研究及思考
We designed a fuzzy model by ID3algor ithm based on learning from fuzzy examples. 基于模糊示例学习,利用模糊ID3算法,提出了蠓虫分类模型。
SWT& A Boolean Function Minimization System Based on Learning from Examples SWT&一个基于示例学习的布尔函数极小化系统
Comparative Study of IBLE and ID_3 Algorithms for Learning From Examples 示例学习算法IBLE和ID3的比较研究
The Abstract Channel Model for Learning From Examples and Its Application 示例学习的抽象信道模型及其应用
The Extension Graph Approach of Learning from Examples 示例学习的扩张图方法
Up to now, some heuristic algorithms have been proposed for learning from examples based on extension matrix theory. 到目前为止,一些启发式算法被提出用于基于扩张矩阵理论的示例学习研究。
The abstract channel model for learning from examples is presented and a new attribute selection measure ( channel capacity) is introduced. 本文提出了示例学习的抽象信道模型,引入一个新的特征选择量&信道容量。
In this paper, a system of automatic knowledge acquisition, which can be used to acquire automatically the diagnosis rules of insect pest and plant disease of crops, is introduced. The knowledge is obtaned automatically through using method of learning from examples in this system. 介绍了一个可用于自动获取农作物病虫害诊断规则的自动知以获取系统,该系统是用示例学习方法来自动获取知识的。
The recognition of the feature of 3D models is one of the key technologies in the CIMS engineering, and the algorithm using neural networks can solve this problem with many advantages, such as fast calculating, learning from examples, etc. 三维模型特征识别是CIMS中的关键技术之一,用神经网络法解决三维模型的特征识别问题,具有鲁棒性、多重解释、根据例子学习、识别速度较快等许多优势。
The Method for Optimal Concepts Extraction in Learning from Examples Concept-acquisition by Representation Redescription of Frame 最优概念获取的模型研究概念获取的框架表征重述方法
A computational theory of learning from examples, extension matrix theory, is presented. 本文提出示例学习的一种计算理论,扩张矩阵论。
A Heuristic Algorithm for Learning from Positive Examples 正例学习的一个启发式算法
The rule based expert system, which regarded the extension matrix as a powerful tool to study the computational complexity of learning from examples and to design learning algorithms. 以扩张矩阵作为学习机制构建以规则为中心的专家系统,是研究计算复杂性和设计学习算法的强有力工具。
Data per-processing is an important step in learning from examples. 在各种学习方法中,示例式学习被看作是自动建立基于知识的系统的关键,数据预处理是示例学习的一个重要步骤。
By the method of learning from examples, DKAS inductively acquires knowledge, in representation of decision trees, from large amount of experience data. DKAS系统采用示例式学习方法,从大量经验数据归纳获取知识,知识表示为决策树形式。
This method combines the capability of fuzzy reasoning in settling uncertain and imprecise information and the capability of neural networks in learning from examples. 该算法同时具备模糊理论的处理不确定和不准确信息的能力和神经网络的自学习能力。
: The paper studies multi-concept learning from inconsistent examples. 该文研究不一致例子中的多概念学习。
An information& based method ible for learning from examples 一个基于信息论的示例学习方法
The theory of fuzzy system by learning from examples ( FSLE) is introduced, and then this method is firstly used to prediction of time-series of the earthquake maximum magnitudes in northern China. 本文介绍了查表法设计模糊系统(FSLE)的方法与原理,然后基于该方法建立了华北地区及主要地震带最大震级时间序列的预测模型,并进行了预测内符检验。
Learning from Examples of Blast Furnace Expert System 高炉专家系统知识的实例学习
In this paper we report one of a number of experiments with highschool students on learning from examples and learning by workingthrough problems. 我们对学生通过例题和问题学习学科知识的问题作了一些实验研究。本文介绍了其中的一项研究结果。
A Deductive Reasoning Algorithm for Learning from Positive Examples PEL1:一个示例式演绎学习算法
Integer-programming model for learning from examples and feature subset selection based on extension matrix 示例学习与特征选择的规划模型方法
A generalized extension matrix algorithm of learning from examples and its implementation 示例学习的广义扩张矩阵算法及其实现
Data Pre-processing in Learning From Examples 示例学习的数据预处理
But, fuzzy decision tree induction is an important way for learning from examples with fuzzy representation. 随着示例模糊表示的出现,清晰的决策树已不能满足不精确知识获取的需要。
The maximum complex problem in learning from examples and its greedy algorithm 示例学习的最大复合问题及算法